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Chang-Yu Hou, China 2017-05-19 12:46:28

四月中復活節假期到里斯本玩了一個禮拜。因為之後還打算協同家人再重遊, 所以報了葡萄牙語課消磨一點時間。上了第一堂課之後, 我十分慶幸將了Portuguese Connection納入我的行程中。儘管我只待了一個禮拜, 語言學校所有的工作人員都對我十分熱情, 讓我的假期添了一絲里斯本特有的人情味。所有的老師都具教學實力, 且因為是小班制, 老師能徹底顧及每位學生。希望能早日再到里斯本上葡萄牙語課

Colin Dun, Australia 2017-05-17 10:14:20

At the age of 58 I relocated to Lisbon and commenced a 3 week intensive course with Portuguese Connection. Although previously I'd had some success in learning German and French, I found the course really tough. European Portuguese is not an easy language for English-speaking people to learn, the grammar is difficult and the pronunciation is also a challenge. But thanks to the best language teaching I'd ever experienced, by the end of the course I could already start to communicate. Now, after an additional year of private tuition with one of their top notch teachers, I'm really starting to feel comfortable with the language. In addition, Portuguese Connection has offered me so much more than just the language. Joana, Marco, Annalisa and Maggie have, through their kindness and support, enabled me to really feel a part of Lisbon from the very first week. They have gone out of their way to encourage me on my shaky path towards proficiency in Portuguese, to advise on the many problems that one inevitably has when moving to a new country and to help connect me with other students who have subsequently become great friends. I can't recommend Portuguese Connection highly enough!!!

Georgiana (Gigi) Gallagher, USA 2017-05-15 18:58:53

I had wanted to learn Portuguese for some time and really wanted to do it in Portugal. When I was finally ready to take the plunge, I started looking for a school. I talked to someone who took just one week of combined classes at Portuguese Connection and he was really impressed, so I made contact. The entire team at Portuguese Connection is so professional and Annalisa responded immediately, gave me all the information I needed and answered any questions I had. Marco helped me locate an apartment to rent less than a 5-minute walk from the school, which is really is in a fantastic location. I loved spending time across the street in the park and ate my lunch there often. Marco and Joana have assembled a fantastic team, all of the instructors are very well prepared and constantly communicate with one another about each student’s progress and needs. I originally signed up for 4 weeks of combined classes and then added another two. I had group classes until 1pm and then one hour individual classes in the afternoon. The group class teachers rotated so I think I worked with all of the teachers except maybe two. This was good because you heard different people speaking from different parts of the country. They do a great job of always using Portuguese and encouraging all students to speak as much as possible. The individual classes cover whatever is needed, customized for each student. Again, all the teachers in the school display very impressive skills. But of course it isn’t just about the classes and school. Your whole experience is important to this group. They will assist with all kinds of issues. Annalisa is a jack-of-all-trades. Ask her about anything, if she doesn’t know, but she probably does, she will find out. She knows Lisbon better than the natives. Her weekly tours are fantastic, fun and informative, and it is another chance to practice your Portuguese. After my classes ended, I wanted to plan a two-week road trip and cover as much of Portugal as possible. These guys were fantastic. Each person added to list of things to see, places to stop, best spots to eat the best foods and pastries across the country. Thank you Susana, Silvia, Annalisa, Joana and Marco. They were my travel planning team. From the time I arrived and now I have been here for more than two and a half months, these people have made me feel special and part of the family, because yes, they are like a family. They can make you feel that way too. No matter your age, country of origin, or language level, they can make your stay in Portugal so much more than just learning the language. Give it a go, you won’t be sorry. And don’t forget to give Maggie a pat on the head and a scratch on the belly if you see here at school. She is the cutest thing ever and loves all of the students at Portuguese Connection.

Antonino Castaldo, Italy 2017-05-15 04:31:44

Ciao a tutti, di questa scuola non posso che parlar bene, ho fatto tre corsi raggiungendo il livello A2 e il mio portoghese, con la Professora Joana, che è anche la vulcanica direttrice della scuola, e la Professora Susana, altro ottimo elemento, il mio portoghese è migliorato giorno dopo giorno. La cosa che mi ha fatto più affezionare a questa scuola è l'ambiente giovane e dinamico, e la confidenza che sei da subito in grado di instaurare con lo staff. Che siate qui per qualche mese o per più tempo, portuguese connection è il miglior modo per imparare il portoghese a Lisbona. Buon portoghese a tutti!! Ps: il rapporto qualità-prezzo è imbattibile ;)

Hou Chang Yu, Taiwan 2017-05-12 11:44:04

四月中復活節假期到里斯本玩了一個禮拜。因為之後還打算協同家人再重遊, 所以報了葡萄牙語課消磨一點時間。上了第一堂課之後, 我十分慶幸將了Portuguese Connection納入我的行程中。儘管我只待了一個禮拜, 語言學校所有的工作人員都對我十分熱情, 讓我的假期添了一絲里斯本特有的人情味。所有的老師都具教學實力, 且因為是小班制, 老師能徹底顧及每位學生。希望能早日再到里斯本上葡萄牙語課 :)

Noki Trias, USA 2017-05-12 07:13:00

My husband & I have been studying Portuguese at Portuguese Connection for almost two years now. It has become a very important part of our life in Lisbon. The staff at the school are amazing and energetic. We do private lessons, and they are totally customized to our skill level, needs & availability. Of course, the language instruction is top notch. But the school goes far and above just being a language school. Joana & Marco have done so much to make us feel welcome here: they have introduced us to many of the other students with whom we have become good friends, they have invited us on outings with the group to visit new places in & around Lisbon, and they have helped to explain mysterious cultural things, like futebol! Joana & Marco also work tirelessly to help us resolve issues outside of the school, whether it be proofreading documents for our son's school, recommending accountants & health insurers, or helping to arrange medical device rental for my parents when they came to visit Lisbon. There is nothing that this duo & their awesome team cannot do! We ❤️ Portuguese Connection!

Lidia Bengoechea Pérez, Spain 2017-05-11 08:00:36

Joana y Marco son grandes anfitriones, desde el primer día nos recibieron con los brazos abiertos y nos hicieron sentir parte de esta pequeña pero GRAN familia que es Portuguese Connection. Tal y como describiría la escuela: acogedora y familiar, situada en uno de los barrios más céntricos y coloridos de la capital portuguesa; el lugar perfecto para hacer amigos y aprender la lengua de Camões. Una escuela no sería nada sin los profesores y Portuguese Connection reúne un elenco de grandes profesionales que comparten la pasión por la enseñanza y la transmiten en cada una de sus clases. Como es el caso de nuestro profesor Iván que, no sólo por su metodología y profesionalidad, sino también por su buen sentido del humor y carácter, hacen de cada clase una tarde divertida de estudio y risas. Los grupos de estudiantes son reducidos, lo que facilita la interacción entre alumnos y una evolución más visible a corto plazo. La competitividad se deja tras la puerta, una vez que la clase ha comenzado, por lo que siempre habrá alguien, a tu derecha o izquierda, dispuesto a echarte una mano y compartir lo que sabe contigo. Os esperamos en la ciudad de la luz, ¿aún estáis dudando?

Adam Laskarzewski, Poland 2017-05-10 04:53:14

Mieszkając w Lizbonie przez około 10 miesięcy, miałem przyjemność uczęszczania do kilku szkół językowych w i mogę śmiało powiedzieć, ze ta jest jedną z lepszych, jeśli nie najlepszą. Mam tu na myśli nie tylko lokalizacje i przyjazna atmosferę, ale także jakość nauczania, punktualność i profesjonalizm nauczycieli. A+++

Gerald Mathis, USA 2017-05-09 15:52:52

One of the best language learning experience a person could every ask for!!! The team at Portuguese Connection were just wonderful. They assisted me through the entire process to including finding lodging with a Very nice Portuguese family less than 5 mins walk from the the school, arrangements for transportation to and from the airport and weekend cultural experiences. To top it of, the classes were great! The entire team are professional and really know how to tailor a language learning program to fit your needs. I spent three weeks at the school and my Portuguese greatly improved. I will be returning next year for two weeks, but in the meantime, will likely take advantage of their online Skype one on one course! Muito obrigado os amigos de Portuguese Connection!!!

Sarah Wellband, UK 2017-05-05 11:35:44

I took the one week combined course (4 hours of group classes in the morning, 2 hours of private tutorial in the afternoon) in April. The standard of instruction is excellent and the tutors are friendly and encouraging. Having lived in Portugal for 10 years - and having tried many different ways of learning Portuguese, with limited success - I found this course incredibly helpful. I now feel able to communicate with my neighbours and will definitely take a follow up course later this year. Be prepared to work hard, swallow your nerves and participate as much as possible and you will have the best chance of success! Thank you to everyone at Portuguese Connection!