Learn Portuguese in Lisbon Home School Reviews - Check our School reviews and testimonials

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Reviews left on our Website

Eva Pohle, Germany 2018-07-17 06:29:06

Excellent school, very welcoming and professional. The groups are small and the staff is very well trained and friendly. They make you feel comfortable learning a foreign language. The school itself is located close to all places of interest. Everything is in walking distance. I can recommend Portuguese Connection to any student who wants to learn Portuguese in Lisbon.

Carole Myers, UK 2018-07-10 07:36:26

I have just come back from a week in Lisbon at this fantastic school. I’ve been to other schools to learn Portuguese and Portuguese Connection is by far the best. I’ve learnt so much this week! The teachers are outstanding in their skills and knowledge and they are very supportive and attentive to individual needs. Obrigada e até já (eu espero voltar).

Tytti Tenhunen, Finland 2018-07-02 11:45:14

A very welcoming school with an extremely friendly atmosphere and superb staff. I liked the balance between grammar and oral communication plus the fact that the groups were very small. I would definitely recommend this language school.

Fabio Stohler, Germany 2018-06-17 09:43:51

I visited 80 hourse of private class with the school to strengthen my Portuguese. I had the pleasure to attend classes with Barbara and Sílvia during the period of four months. I choose a quite extensive workload of hours per week and therefore we met three times a week for two hours. The amazing thing about the school is that they have a nice welcoming and family-like athmosphere. Something that is at the beginning quite strange for a cold hearthed German, but something you fall in love quickly. The team was always very flexible regarding changes of schedules and very very patient with all my wishes, errors and my inability to "aprender" ;-). This made me feel always confortable and in good hands. To cut it short: I had an amazing experience and can recommend it to anybody how wants to get to know the Portuguese language.

Matteo Fisanotti, Italy 2018-06-04 12:46:36

Amazing school to learn Portuguese! Very good and friendly environment, nice teachers, a great opportunity to get to learn the language. Highly recommended!

Mirjam Heinemens, The Netherlands 2018-05-25 10:07:36

If you want to learn Portuguese I absolutely recommend this school! I started a year a go with the extensive courses and now I am already able to follow most conversations around me. The teachers at the school are professional and very enthusiastic, and there is a nice balance between learning grammar and listening/speaking. The classes are small (8-10 people), so everybody gets plenty of attention and you can practice and make mistakes in a safe environment. Finally the courses are way cheaper than most language schools I checked, but the quality of the classes is at least as high!

Sandra, Germany 2018-05-02 08:38:16

I've joined two weeks of group and individual classes at Portuguese Connection and enjoyed every minute! The staff is friendly, helpful and anytime responsive. It's an outstanding relaxing atmosphere. The teachers are exceedingly competent and flexible to face the needs of every student. I've learned things I've never heard of when learning 1,5 years in Germany. Besides Lisboa is a beautiful place to explore innumerable sights. I could spend many weeks there always finding things to see and enjoy. Ich habe zwei Wochen am Gruppenunterricht sowie Einzelunterricht teilgenommen und jede Minute genossen. Alle Mitarbeitenden sind freundlich, hilfsbereit und für alle Fragen ansprechbar. Es herrscht eine ausgesprochen entspannte Atmosphäre. Alle Lehrer.innen sind kompetent und gehen auf die Bedürfnisse aller ein. Ich habe Dinge gelernt, von denen ich in 1,5 Jahren Unterricht in Deutschland nie gehört hatte. Außerdem ist Lisboa ein unglaublich schöner Ort mit unzähligen Sehenswürdigkeiten. Ich könnte Wochen dort verbringen und immer noch Dinge zum Ansehen und Genießen finden.

Leon Pompsch, Germany 2018-04-11 07:26:33

When I was in Lisbon, I did a two-week intensive course and had a great time at Portuguese Connection :) Very friendly atmosphere and nice location. My teachers Joana and Marilia made a great effort in teaching and I learned a lot. What I probably like the most was the fact that we talked a lot during the class and I could improve my skills in conversation a lot. I also liked the walking tours every week to different places around the city with Annalisa :) I can definitely recommend the school and will hopefully come back again.

Donna and Patrick Moore, USA (Hawaii) 2018-04-03 03:57:58

Fantastic school experience!!! My husband and I have a combined total of over 40 years experience teaching overseas and teaching English to international students. Portuguese Connection exceeded our expectations in every way. Highlights included small class size, excellent teachers and amiable staff. In class, teachers explained grammar with clarity and presented interesting lessons in a congenial manner. The teachers and staff at the school obviously enjoy sharing their language and culture. They provide a warm welcoming atmosphere for learning Portuguese! We had so much fun that we hope to return to learn more someday! We give Portuguese Connection our very highest recommendation!!

Masato Habbick, Japan 2018-03-22 05:40:16

私はポルトガルに来た時、ポルトガル語で「ありがとう」と言うことしか出来ませんでした。しかしPortugess Connectionで1日4時間のグループ学習を週に5日間通っていくうちに、たった3ヶ月程度で日常生活で困る事はあまり困らなくなりました。何故ならばこちらの学校は基本的な文法等をしっかり教えてくれるだけでなく、実際の生活でよく使う大事な言葉も重点的に教えてくれるからです。普段の生活で分からないことが会った時は翌日学校で聞いて、学んでいくのが習慣でした。 先生方は全員親切で明るく、日本のイメージしている学校の先生と生徒の関係よりも友人関係に近いくらいです。そして全員英語も話せます。(私は中学英語くらいしか話せなく、英語が話せないとしてもポルトガル語を学ぶには全く支障ありませんでした) また、こちらの学校は世界中の人達が通っています。グループ学習の場合同じレベルの人たちが集まって授業を受けるので、拙いポルトガル語しか話せないとしても、それまで習ったポルトガル語を使って他国の文化交流等も楽しめるのも魅力の1つです。 そしてコーヒーや多数の紅茶がいつでも飲み放題で、休憩時にはチョコレートやケーキ等も無料で食べることができます。 この学校で出来た友人と話していても、こんなに完璧な語学学校が他にあるとは思えないと話し合うほど、生徒みんなに愛される人達が働いている学校です。