Learn Portuguese in Lisbon Home School Reviews - Check our School reviews and testimonials

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Reviews left on our Website

expat_M, Serbia 2014-04-16 09:27:00

Био сам послом у Португалији и учио језик у овој школи преко годину дана. Професорка Жуана је уложила велики труд да ми приближи све језичке заврзламе, орасположи кад нисам могао да укапирам о чему се ради, да помогне кад запне и тако учинила да заволим одлазак на часове код ње (ја иначе нисам баш наклоњен учењу страних језика и немам пуно стпљења). Ако бих опет бирао школу - дефинитнвно Жуана! Свака част и само тако настави! Препорука!

Cristina, Spain 2014-04-15 18:44:00

Definitivamente si necesitas aprender portugués yo por mi experiencia quedé encantada con la profesora Joana, son clases muy dinámicas, divertidas y lo mejor de todo es que aprendes sin ningún tipo de dificultad ya que ella adapta las clases a tu nivel y a tus necesidades, dentro de toda la oferta que hay en Lisboa en cuanto a idiomas sin dudarlo por relación calidad-precio Joana es un valor seguro, mi experiencia fue muy positiva y os animo a todos este método de aprender idiomas de una forma única y diferente Un saludo!

Harriet, England 2014-04-14 16:23:00

If you are looking to learn Portuguese in Lisbon, I don't think you could do better than learning at Portuguese Connection. I spent three months learning Portuguese with their fantastic teachers, and I left the country with confidence that I had reached a really good level of fluency. Their teachers are friendly and approachable, you always feel you can ask questions. The classroom activities are always dynamic which makes the learning experience really fun. The teachers obviously cared a lot about their students, and put in a lot of effort into organising their classes. I rate their language school, and their teaching, very highly.

Matt Handel, Australia 2014-04-14 15:47:00

Definitely the best language school I've ever been to, very highly recommended. As far as language schools go it is a bit on the smaller side, but this actually turned out to be one of the best things about it as it means more attention per student. The facilities are excellent (wifi, coffee machine, super comfy chairs), modern and really nice compared to some other places I've checked out. Right next to the metro with lots of cool cafés and restaurants close by. Ask for Joana! As a group teacher she's awesome, really friendly and always finds a way to make everyone feel involved. These days I'm having private lessons with her and loving it. Super cool vibe, easy to talk to and really interesting for general conversation. Helped me a lot with confidence in speaking portuguese, wish I'd discovered this place sooner.