Learn Portuguese in Lisbon Home School Reviews - Check our School reviews and testimonials

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Reviews left on our Website

Stefanie Henningsen, Denmark 2015-05-18 04:40:36

Portuguese Connection is a great school! I came with no knowledge of the Portuguese language and I have learned so much in the little time I have been in Lisbon. It has been a great experience! The teachers are great and really friendly. The classes are well prepared but at the same time fun. I would recommend anyone to go this language school.

Vladimir Bobetic, Serbia 2015-05-14 16:00:11

Great school, great teachers. I came without any previous knowledge of the Portuguese language and now I start to talk. I can't wait to start my next course. Apart from the knowledge I went out from school with a few new friends. And what is most important in school is that you will feel like at home surrounded with family. That is "Portuguese connection", family. Love you guys!

Laura Rodriguez, Spain 2015-05-11 09:36:56

A minha experiência em Portuguese Connection Language School foi muito boa. Eu aprendi muito mais portugûes do que já tinha estudado e as pessoas que trabalham lá são muito bons profissionais e o ambiente e muito simpático. Eu voltaria lá para melhorar ainda mais o meu português sem nenhuma dúvida.

Azael Navarro, Mexico 2015-04-06 10:31:44

I'm from Mexico and i can say that this "opportunity of life" was a great experience for me and not just because i traveled; it was because i mixed my ADVENTURE with one COURSE guided by a teacher specialized to teach portuguese to foreign people where i can say that her method is unique (i can confirm that, with a personal opinion as a person who have accredited a lot of courses)... The third part was INMERSION where i met a lot of great people but talking in deep of this course: I met 5 main people whom shared his whole being with me!... Thanks for all!.

Verena, Germany 2015-04-05 09:44:03

Die 2 Wochen des Portugiesisch Sprachkurses vergingen wie im Flug und am Ende wäre ich wirklich gerne noch länger geblieben! Die ersten Erfahrungen mit der Portugiesischen Sprache habe ich während eines Semesters an der Universität gesammelt, fühlte mich jedoch gar nicht sicher und von Unterhaltungen war wirklich nicht die Rede.. doch mit jedem Tag bei Joana und Ana-Rita fühlte ich mich sicherer und sicherer! :-) Das Gesamtpaket war einfach überzeugend: Der Unterricht wird nie langweilig, denn es gibt viel zu lachen und zu erzählen.. auf portugiesisch natürlich und dabei wird spielerisch Grammatik und Wortschatz vermittelt.. immer individuell an die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst. Marco hat sich mit viel Liebe und Hingebung um Unterkunft und Rahmenaktivitäten gekümmert und sich immer wieder vergewissert, dass alle glücklich sind :-) Ich bin so froh mich für Portuguese Connection entschieden zu haben und danke Joana, Ana-Rita und Marco für die unvergesslich Zeit!! Das wunderschöne Lisboa, die portugiesische Kultur, die tollen Menschen die dort leben und natürlich leckeres Essen und guter Wein haben das ganze noch perfekt abgerundet :-) Ich komme wieder!! Obrigadíssima, meninos! ;-)

Richard Campbell, United Kingdom 2015-03-30 14:37:28

I really enjoyed my week learning Portuguese with Joana at Portuguese Connection. Joana is a great teacher and a great person to spend a week chatting with, mostly in Portuguese but with the benefit of Joana's excellent English to call upon as back-up when required. I had studied Portuguese semi-intensively in 2009 for a few months while living in Lisbon but had rarely used even a few words since then. Joana quickly assessed my level and speed of learning to tailor our lessons perfectly to my requirements so that I could progress quickly and leave Lisbon (sadly) really pleased with my achievements and the improvement in my conversations with waiters, taxi drivers and anyone else that would let me speak Portuguese with them. Joana and Marco were both incredibly friendly making me feel very welcome from the start - I quickly knew that I had made a good choice! My week studying with Joana has re-awakened my interest in learning Portuguese and I will soon embark on further language tuition in London. I would not hesitate to recommend Joana and Portuguese Connection to anybody wanting to study Portuguese in Lisbon. If you are thinking about it go ahead and book it - you won't regret it!

Paula and Eddie, United Kingdom 2015-03-16 12:40:55

We loved every minute of our time with Joana at Portuguese Connection. The lessons were varied and full of fun but at the same time disciplined, a very difficult objective to achieve. Each class was fitted to our needs and if Joana felt we needed help in a particular area a few hours later a bespoke lesson covering that particular area was produced. Joana and Marco make the whole experience thoroughly worthwhile. It was a joy and a pleasure to study with Joana. Unfortunately we are suffering from withdrawal symptoms now as we miss our classes so much. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Portuguese Connection to anybody. We are in our 60s and 70s and studied for 6 very enjoyable hours everyday. Our confidence in our ability to communicate has increased dramatically.

Judith Strohmaier, USA 2015-03-09 06:36:15

I have just spent four weeks of private instruction in portuguese with Joana Paiva. I was able to immediately use all that I had learned in restaurants, super markets, taxi cabs. Time spent in the learning process was totally enjoyable. Joana is an excellent instructor and provides the perfect classroom to learn portuguese.

Alfredo Fernandez, Spain 2015-03-03 02:33:24

Ha sido estupendo tenerte de profesora Joana. He disfrutado cada dia de aulas contigo y sobre todo has conseguido algo que no ha conseguido nadie en los ultimos 30 anos : que me interese aprender gramática, algo fundamental para aprender otra lengua. Ya estoy deseando tenerte otra vez de profesora el ano que viene en Enero ! Gracias Joana Es war sehr hilfreich die unterricht vergangen Januar mit Joana. Habe ich sogar spass gehabt jedentag in unsere aulas. Sie hat etwas geschaft ,dass keine bis jetz geschaft hat in 30 Jahren : meine interesse für die gramatik ! also etwas notwendig für eine sprache zu lernen. Warte ich ungeduldig auf unsere nexte stufe: B2 nexte jahr 2016 Januar. Danke vielmals Joana.

Amanda Handel, Germany 2014-12-15 14:38:50

I feel very fortunate to have met Joana and taken Portuguese lessons with her. She is a resourceful teacher with the flexibility to meet your particular language needs while maintaining a rigorous method in the classroom. Our son was marrying into a huge Portuguese family, so my husband asked her for a one-week crash course to give us enough Portuguese to participate fully in the wedding celebrations. She did this and happily helped us write speeches and coached us in the delivery. We are really pleased to have been able to converse with the new relatives on the "big day". It was a pleasure to be in Joana's classes as she is a kind person with a passion for her work. Having previously studied Spanish in some very good schools, we appreciate the quality of Joana's teaching and look forward to returning to her exceptional Portuguese Connection Language School.