Learn Portuguese in Lisbon Home School Reviews - Check our School reviews and testimonials

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Reviews left on our Website

Alek Wobeck, USA 2015-08-04 17:52:39

I spent four weeks doing the combined classes, and I could not be happier with the results! Portuguese Connection completely exceeded my expectations! Towards the end of my time in Lisbon, I started receiving compliments from locals that I spoke clearly and understandably. Joana and Raquel are both incredible teachers that offered challenging and interesting lessons. The school has a welcoming atmosphere with attentive staff. It is located in a lovely area close to many cute shops and restaurants. I also decided to take some surfing lessons and would definitely recommend them to those who are interested. I was so pleased by my experience that I am continuing with Online Lessons now that I am back in the US. Muito Obrigado! -Alek

Andrea, Italy 2015-07-29 15:13:27

Our office organised a two months Portuguese course for us international employees! We had the fortune to end up with Joana, the most patient and motivated Portuguese teacher on earth!!! Thank you Joana and Portuguese Connection! :)

Ikuko, Japan 2015-07-24 09:47:33

I enjoyed it!! 旅行で3週間ほどポルトガルに滞在する予定でしたが、英語が通じない時がたまにあり、リスボンにいる間、挨拶程度でもポルトガル語を勉強してみることにしました。Portuguese Connectionでは生徒のスケジュールに合わせて1週間から授業をしてくれました。 ジョアナ先生と1週間授業してみて、最初はなんのことやらさっぱりで、うわ、難しい!と思っていたのですが、4日ほど経つと、先生の言っていることが少しずつ分かるようになってきました!宿題もありましたが、基本的な言葉の仕組みを学べました。しばらくぶりに語学を勉強してみてリフレッシュでき、これからも少しずつ勉強を続けていきたい、と思います!

Daniel Delgado, Orebro - Sweden 2015-07-23 18:48:35

Jag steg in på Portuguese Connections behagligt svala, rymliga och kreativt dekorerade lokaler när sommaren kom till Lissabon för ungefär två månader sedan. Förväntansfull, ivrig och aningen för enträgen. Jag hade aldrig studerat på en språkskola tidigare men var tillitsfull till mitt val som jag gjort uteslutande baserat på Portuguese Connections proffsiga, moderna och tydliga hemsida. Vad skulle jag få för pengarna? Mycket skulle det visa sig. Till att börja med, och viktigast, så lämnade jag skolan med ett starkt kvitto på den utveckling jag gjort tillsammans med Portuguese Connections kompetenta lärargrupp: jag uppnådde nivå C1 efter min intensiva månad med 80 grupplektioner och 20 individuella lektioner. Det är min övertygelse att detta inte skett om det inte hade varit för skolans och lärargruppens förmåga att anpassa undervisningen efter mina behov och dessutom göra den utmanande och förbannat rolig. Att den administrativa delen och att fritidsaktiviteterna utfördes med ett starkt organisatoriskt tänkande var en positiv överraskning för mig som svensk. Jag rekommenderar Portuguese Connection till den student som önskar lära sig portugisiska grundligt, till den som vill komma närmare den portugistalande delen av världen och framför allt till dig som känner att du behöver energi. Åk till Lissabon, det är annorlunda. Ett ödmjukt tack till alla er på Portuguese Connection. /Dani

Emily Kehrt, USA 2015-07-22 07:30:17

I only spent one week at Portuguese Connnection, but in that one week I learned an enormous amount. The teachers and the staff go out of their way to make everyone feel welcome, to make the classes a lot of fun, and to make learning Portuguese easy. I recommend Portuguese Connection 100% to anyone looking for a friendly, fun environment in which to learn Portuguese during their time in Lisbon.

Florence, France 2015-07-21 16:40:53

Bien qu'au Portugal depuis de nombreux mois, j'avais beaucoup d'appréhension à me lancer dans l'apprentissage du portugais. Toute l'équipe de Portuguese connection m'a alors aidée à sauter le pas, grâce notamment à son énergie et sa bonne humeur, aussi contagieuse l'une que l'autre. J'ai pu voir très rapidemment mes progrès, mes doutes et peurs de comprendre et parler se sont estompés petit à petit. J'ai déjà effectué deux formations de 30 heures chacune afin de compléter le niveau B1, et ai hâte de pouvoir continuer la formation et entamer le niveau B2!

HSINYING, LI, Taiwan 2015-07-21 15:10:24

 It's fabulous. Far more excellent than I can ever imagined. 在這之前我從來沒學過葡萄牙語,上課的方式非常有邏輯而且有趣,基礎的發音文法交錯著日常對話,氣氛融洽,沒有壓力又可以學到東西,並且願意開口說葡萄牙語,在上課的過程中也會交流各國的文化,不論是老師或者其他工作人員人都超好,讓我覺得不只是來學一個全新的語言,還交了好幾個朋友,而他們是真的非常樂意幫助你,即使你的問題可能只是今天下午不知道要去哪裡玩,從沒想過要上什麼課離開的時候會這麼捨不得,這是第一次,讓我覺得繼續學葡萄牙語的意願大增。

Cecilia, Spain/France 2015-07-20 04:57:25

Great school, incredible teachers! Definitely a place to go if you are motivated to learn Portuguese. The school is in a very nice neighborhood, the prices are very good and the teachers are highly qualified. I had an amazing month studying there, and I highly recommend it !!! Cecilia.

Damian Szczęch, Poland 2015-07-02 07:19:26

I started a course in Portuguese Connection to improve my portuguese skills and Joana and all the team of Portuguese Connection helped me with this a lot. She is a very good teacher, very sympathetic and always smiling, spending time on classes learning the language was a pleasure. Before the course, Joana checked the level of knowledge of my Portuguese and what we should work on. The course was full of various creative activities and finally I achieved my goal. I recommend it to anybody who want to study Portugese.

Elvis Zutic, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015-07-01 02:20:13

I will begin by saying I have not had a big expectations about the Portuguese language course. Better to say I was not sure what to expect from the course. I had no previous knowledge of Portuguese language and the course was arranged to be online as I was unable to attend in person classes in Lisbon. After 10 classes and thanks to Joana's great teaching and interpersonal skills I can speak Portuguese and can understand others when talking. Believe me it is helpful when your partner in this case a wife is Portuguese. Joana is remarkable teacher and person. During the course we became friends and I am a richer for knowing her and Marco too. I would strongly recommend the Portuguese Connection School to anyone who has a desire to learn the Portuguese language. Marco and the team are passionated, devoted, skilled, helpful and good people. Thanks Joana and Marco for everything!