Learn Portuguese in Lisbon Home School Reviews - Check our School reviews and testimonials

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Reviews left on our Website

Judith Strohmaier, USA 2015-03-09 06:36:15

I have just spent four weeks of private instruction in portuguese with Joana Paiva. I was able to immediately use all that I had learned in restaurants, super markets, taxi cabs. Time spent in the learning process was totally enjoyable. Joana is an excellent instructor and provides the perfect classroom to learn portuguese.

Alfredo Fernandez, Spain 2015-03-03 02:33:24

Ha sido estupendo tenerte de profesora Joana. He disfrutado cada dia de aulas contigo y sobre todo has conseguido algo que no ha conseguido nadie en los ultimos 30 anos : que me interese aprender gramática, algo fundamental para aprender otra lengua. Ya estoy deseando tenerte otra vez de profesora el ano que viene en Enero ! Gracias Joana Es war sehr hilfreich die unterricht vergangen Januar mit Joana. Habe ich sogar spass gehabt jedentag in unsere aulas. Sie hat etwas geschaft ,dass keine bis jetz geschaft hat in 30 Jahren : meine interesse für die gramatik ! also etwas notwendig für eine sprache zu lernen. Warte ich ungeduldig auf unsere nexte stufe: B2 nexte jahr 2016 Januar. Danke vielmals Joana.

Amanda Handel, Germany 2014-12-15 14:38:50

I feel very fortunate to have met Joana and taken Portuguese lessons with her. She is a resourceful teacher with the flexibility to meet your particular language needs while maintaining a rigorous method in the classroom. Our son was marrying into a huge Portuguese family, so my husband asked her for a one-week crash course to give us enough Portuguese to participate fully in the wedding celebrations. She did this and happily helped us write speeches and coached us in the delivery. We are really pleased to have been able to converse with the new relatives on the "big day". It was a pleasure to be in Joana's classes as she is a kind person with a passion for her work. Having previously studied Spanish in some very good schools, we appreciate the quality of Joana's teaching and look forward to returning to her exceptional Portuguese Connection Language School.

Carla Blumenthal Baumann, Switzerland 2014-11-17 03:51:53

Graças a uma grêve no agosto, tinha aulas privadas com a Joana (os outros estudiantes não podiam chegar). Por isso podia desejar os temas das lições e aprendi muito. A Joana é uma professora muito boa, bastante severa (isso ö importante) e simpatica. As lições foram interessantes, intensas, mas tambem rimos. Queria ir outra vez á Lisboa na escola da Joana. Beijinos Carla

Claus-Dieter König, Germany 2014-11-07 11:00:49

I just had intensive classes for two weeks and I can but recommend Portuguese Connection. My teacher was Joana Paiva, who succeeds in explaining the most complex issues of Portuguese grammar in a way that they seem easy. Well-planned exercises do their part to make you know how to apply. Finally, when we did conversation, she magically made my use what I thought I would never be able to use spontaneously. I have done Spanish and Italian in similar schools. However, Portuguese Connection offers a quality of language education I have not experienced before. I will certainly come back.

Dilek Keklik, Turkey 2014-11-07 09:20:28

Portekizce ogrenmek isteyen herkes icin Joana ve ogretme tarzi bugune dek karsilastigim en etkili ve en kolay tarz...ben ogrenemem dedim o olur dedi ben cok zor dedim o yaparsin dedi....sonrasinda hem portekizceyi hem portekizi hemde onu cok ama cok severek dondum Turkiye ye... Olali portekizce ogrenmek ister isen mutlaka Joana ve okulunu denemeden baska bir yere gitmeyin...Eglenin ,ogrenin....Dertlesin ogrenin, dedikodu yapin ogrenin.... Hem siz hem ruhunuz keyifle bir dil ogrenmenin tadini cikarin... Dilek Keklik İstanbul

Gisela Jaeger, Germany 2014-11-07 09:20:11

Este verano he vuelto a ir a un curso de portugués de Joana. Otra vez ha sido una experiencia óptima, pues Joana es sumamente competente en la materia tratada y sabe transmitirla de una forma muy clara y con muchos ejemplos. Además es una "chica" carinosa con sus alumnos y siempre está alegre. Así sus clases son sumamente amenas. Y por la tarde Joana hizo también de guía por el centro de Lisboa... He vuelto a aprender un montón!!! No será la última vez que me apunto a un curso suyo....

Anna, Germany 2014-11-04 10:46:25

Unfortunately I could only spend one week with Joana learning Portuguese. I learnt a lot and Joana is a competent, motivating and encouraging teacher. Her classes were never boring and she has the capability to explain complex issues clearly. She was very responsive to each student and answered even my 100th question patiently. I`m very happy to have chosen “Portuguese Connection” and definitely come back! Até logo!

Raquel, Spain 2014-06-11 10:15:00

Hi Joana... I am so happy to hear you have your own school!!! I wish you all the luck under the rainbow...you are such an enthusiastic and passionate teacher that I know your school will be a great success! It would be lovely meeting you again. I would recommend your school to anybody that wishes to learn Portuguese....My week in Porto with you was an unforgettable experience....R aquel

Sydney, USA 2014-05-30 15:00:00

I was fortunate to have classes with Joana on two different occasions, and I have experienced her teaching style in group settings, one-on-one settings, and in courses that did not revolve around language acquisition such as phonetics. As a teacher myself, I can say that Joana is very organized and creative in the classroom. She really goes out of her way to make sure you achieve your goals. She is a wonderful person, and she really helped to enhance my language learning experience in Portugal. I guarantee you that she knows what she is doing, and it is great that she has opened her own school.