Learn Portuguese in Lisbon Home School Reviews - Check our School reviews and testimonials

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Reviews left on our Website

Dirk, Germany 2014-04-28 10:44:00

Olá estudantes! In doubt if this could be the Portuguese language school for you? Don't be! With Joana you get not only the best teacher you will ever have, you also will meet the nicest person! A demanding, very intelligent teacher with a great sense of humour. And if you (the student) are nice too, you will also get a good friend in Joana... so go and learn some Portuguese! I definitely had two of the best months of my life in her class! Muito obrigado! Beijinhos, Dirk

Angelita, Italy 2014-04-24 13:46:00

When I started to study Portuguese I was already speaking four different foreign languages and I was terrified to fail and make confusion with Spanish. My aim was to get to know the language within a month as the Company I was working for, demanded me to be their Portuguese back up for marketing purposes. The challenge was very taught and thanks to teachers as Joana who trusted in me unconditionally and made all her efforts to follow my needs in learning, that now I say I can speak Portuguese quite fluently. That's one of the most fascinating and passionate language I've ever spoken. Definitely. Joana taught me her culture and not only her language; her sense of humour, her intelligence and smartness in working and dealing with people and students, make her a special person and professional. Muito obrigada professora do meu coração, nunca vou esquecer-me de ti ;)

hans zehentmeier, Germany 2014-04-24 10:34:00

Hi joana, I am glad you opened your own school. This one is even more professional then the one I appreciated in Porto. And Lisbon offers still more possibilities for sight-seeing than the "Northern Capital". Keep it up! Hans

Juanele, Spain 2014-04-23 18:07:00

I would like to say that for the last 3 years I have attended a foreign language class in three different countries, and I have to confess that maybe I have never had a teacher like Joana. She has been one of the best. Like portuguese people she is a very good host, with her you will lose your shyness and you won't have any problem in asking your doubt. She is very attentive to her students, and she can adapted to the needs of the group with an incredible ease. You will learn more than in other class that you have had before, and you will see that the time goes by too quickly with her. So if you are thinking of taking Portuguese classes Portuguese Connection would be a very good choice. If Joana is your teacher, don't try to argue with her! It is a joke. Good luck with your Portuguese!

Shodai, Japan 2014-04-19 09:24:00

ポルトガル語を学ぶためにリスボンへの留学を考えている方がいるならこの学校をお勧めします。先生のジョアンナはとても優しく、フレンドリーで、困っていた時にはすごく丁寧に手伝ってくれますし、授業もとても面白く、毎日学校に通うのが楽しくて仕方ありませんでした。 ポルトガル語ができなくても1からしっかりと教えてくれるので不安になる必要はありません。 勉強だけでなく、素晴らしい時間を一緒に過ごせたみんなに会う機会を与えてくれた素晴らしい学校、先生方にとても感謝しています。 Obrigado Joana ;)

Gabrielle Tanford, Oaxaca, México 2014-04-18 01:48:00

The best foreign language course in any language! I have taken several in many countries. Joana is concise, intelligent and thorough and her winning personality and consideration for her students makes the dynamic a bonding experience as in my experience the class becomes quite unified. It is a wonderful experience learning and getting to know people from different backgrounds at the same time as gaining knowledge for oneself. Some foreign language courses are cold and isolating experiences and not enjoyable. Joana´s courses are invigorating and life-giving and Portuguese is a beautiful language. In her hands it becomes a valuable life goal and she transmits the tools her students need to master it without suffering. I recommend Joana without hesitation as she is an outstanding person worth knowing socially and professionally.

Janeta, Bulgaria 2014-04-18 01:19:00

Joana is definitely the best language teacher I have ever had! Extremely knowledgeable and having that innate- natural talent for teaching with great approach towards the students. Her classes were always very well structured, and always ready to provide you with extra examples and situations in order to help you fully understand the material. And always fun! :) Beijinhos

Thomas, Holland 2014-04-17 19:24:00

I must say that learning portuguese with Joana is a true blessing. I really enjoyed every single minute of it. I went for four weeks in total and could confidentely speak, write and read portuguese when I left. All thanks to the proactive attitude of Joana, who is my favorite teacher of all time. She explained the difficult parts of the language paciently untill I understood it completely. It was a tailor made program, which I could really appreciate. Day by day I experienced that I was making lots of progress thanks to her. I really didn't feel insecure at all speaking a foreign language, because Joana made me confident whenever I was questioning my skills. Besides the fact that Joana is a very capable teacher, she has a very nice personality! She's friendly, funny and open minded. Her english is extremely good too! I can really recommend her as a portuguese teacher. I'm currently studying portuguese at my university in Holland. It turned out that the course in Lisbon really paid off, as my grades are very high. Even though I know a lot about the language now, I would still go to Joana, because she's always able to take it to a higher level. The school is located in the beautiful city of Lisbon. It's extremely amusing to learn portuguese in the capital city of Portugal and there are enough things to do. You've got nice restaurants, beaches and of course the historical city centre which is comparable with Rome and Barcelona. I have to say that is was an extremely useful and pleasant experience and I would love to go to this school again somewhere this summer! Adeus, Thomas

Michaela, Slovakia 2014-04-16 10:51:00

I have had an opportunity to work with Joana both in group and private classes. Joana is an excellent teacher. She is very engaging. She sees through that every student understands. She is methodical and thorough in her grammar explanations and goes an extra mile to make sure the students have understood the patterns. She always adds a bit more content, something that the students will learn at a higher level, in order for them to get the fuller picture. Her classes are fun, she struck me by always suggesting interesting topics and asking debate provoking questions. I wish I could have her here in Luxembourg where I live and work now! Michaela

expat_M, Serbia 2014-04-16 09:27:00

Био сам послом у Португалији и учио језик у овој школи преко годину дана. Професорка Жуана је уложила велики труд да ми приближи све језичке заврзламе, орасположи кад нисам могао да укапирам о чему се ради, да помогне кад запне и тако учинила да заволим одлазак на часове код ње (ја иначе нисам баш наклоњен учењу страних језика и немам пуно стпљења). Ако бих опет бирао школу - дефинитнвно Жуана! Свака част и само тако настави! Препорука!