Learn Portuguese in Lisbon Home School Reviews - Check our School reviews and testimonials

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Reviews left on our Website

Diana Walker, New Zealand 2023-02-17 12:23:23

Portuguese Connection Language School is a great place to learn Portuguese. I have been having online classes for nearly one year and my teacher has been brilliant. The school sets a clear learning path and is very organised. Highly recommended.

Kurt Gut, Switzerland 2022-11-15 02:55:01

Meine Ehefrau und ich haben einen 4-wöchigen Intensiv-Kurs an der Portuguese Connection School in Lissabon belegt. Unsere Lehrer waren immer perfekt auf die Lektionen vorbereitet und voll motiviert, uns die Sprache beizubringen. Die Lektionen waren abwechslungsreich gestaltet und wir konnten unsere bereits vorhandenen Sprachkenntnisse weiter verbessern. Die Portuguese Connection School in Lissabon kann ich sehr weiterempfehlen. Gerne werden meine Ehefrau und ich bei Gelegenheit wieder einen Kurs an dieser Schule belegen. Der Sprachaufenthalt hat uns grossen Spass bereitet. Vielen herzlichen Dank an die Lehrerschaft für die Geduld und den tollen Einsatz.

Stefanie Gut, Switzerland 2022-11-15 02:10:55

Die Portuguese Connection School in Lissabon kann ich allen, welche die portugiesische Sprache erlernen wollen, sehr gut weiterempfehlen. Die Lehrer sind äusserst motiviert und sympathisch, haben viel Geduld und helfen jederzeit weiter. Der Standort ist ideal, gleich gegenüber des wunderschönen Parkes Principe Real. In meiner Klasse waren Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Nationen und jeden Alters. Dies schätzte ich sehr. Ich hatte eine fantastische Zeit an dieser Schule und fühlte mich sehr wohl während meines 4-wöchigen Sprachaufenthaltes. Ich beabsichtige, sobald wie möglich, meine Sprachkenntnisse in der Portuguese Connection School in Lissabon weiter zu verbessern. Muitíssimo obrigada e até breve!

Jana Gonsalves, USA 2022-08-12 05:34:19

This is a great language school for European Portuguese. I took my first class in Lisbon prior to Covid and have taken 4 sessions via Zoom since. I live in California and they have a class that is perfect for my schedule. All instructors are excellent and PC has a great method for teaching. I am working toward citizenship and will be taking the CIPLE exam in the fall. I can not say enough about PC! oh... and the price is very reasonable!!

Amr, Egypt 2022-07-20 05:55:30

I passed the official Portuguese exam (CIPLE - A2 level) Marina! :)

Katy Hinton, USA 2022-03-15 12:45:31

I took 2 weeks of intensive beginner Portuguese at Portuguese Connection, and found the course immensely rewarding and effective. My teacher (Rodrigo) did an excellent job and made it fun to learn; plus, I really liked my group of fellow students. I'd highly recommend Portuguese Connection!

Gabriel Arroyo, South Africa 2022-02-25 09:10:42

A fantastic language school in Lisbon who helped me prepare for and pass the A2 Portuguese language test. They were great in helping me prepare for everything, and were always highly accommodating, offering lessons in-person and online. I couldn’t recommend them enough.

Jill & Jonathan Landsberg, UK 2021-12-27 10:37:38

Thank you all so much for the experience you provided us during spring this year. We so enjoyed learning with all of you. The atmosphere of the school, your enthusiasm, your welcome to strangers, your teaching skills and your desire to share your culture with us; all of that made our arrival here easy and reinforced our decision to make the permanent move to Portugal. The vibe you exude is almost like a family and you certainly come across like a very united team - for which we have great respect. Learning with you was fun, which you will recognise is something of great importance to both of us.

John Nieto-Phillips, USA 2021-12-22 15:29:42

When in Lisbon, do as the Lisboetas do. Imbibe the food, sights, and history of this ancient port city. And greet people warmly, as they do you, with "Bom día" or "Boa tarde." Then crack open your workbook and meditate on the mystery and beauty of their language. I have loved every day of these five months in Portugal, thanks in large part to The Portuguese Connection, where I learned enough vernacular to move about and meet people. And I've come to love the literature of this land. Joana, Andreia, and my esteemed professor Diogo are part of a highly trained and professional team of pedagogues at PC. I'm immensely grateful to them for patiently helping me know Portugal, one verb tense at a time.

Heather Wood, USA 2021-12-01 12:22:11

I learned more than I expected I would in a few days!
The language classes were good. I would recommend just taking the regular language class and arranging your own wine tasting tours. There are plenty of choices out there and then you don’t lose one day of classes.